Tuesday, April 30, 2024

10 Must-Have Character Art Tutorials

artstation character design

The below image explores the designs of the unforgettable “baddies” of the series, the Skeksis. These part-lizard, part-bird creatures seek out eternal life at the cost of all else, and the designs were reportedly inspired by the seven deadly sins. Mary Blair’s concept art, with a modernist yet whimsical style, won Disney over. Though she wasn’t the original illustrator of Alice, what Blair brought was an amazing eye for color. Using surreal and alien hues, she sketched a magical world and an Alice who was both curious and mischievous.

Awesome Resources

In many cases, the client will be expecting you to expand on the concept in novel ways that will not have occurred to them. When you start working in a studio…you’ll have to get a lot of feedback and it’s not likely all will be nice and positive. In another multi-part character art series, Lara Diego reviews her character art workflow from 2D sketch to 3D final. Over a 15-part series, Ula Tomczuk reviews the process of making her final project for DMU Game Art. A Sci-Fi Character Design Tutorial for beginners and intermediate artists and concept artists. In the above image, R2-D2 and C-3PO are immediately recognizable, with their silhouettes remaining the same all through development.

Digitize the sketch

ArtStation - Charlotte Hornets Lightbox - radiozona.com.ar

ArtStation - Charlotte Hornets Lightbox.

Posted: Sat, 30 Dec 2023 18:06:26 GMT [source]

Sir John Tenniel originally illustrated Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in 1865, but in the mid-1900s Disney revisited the story, trying to find a style that could reinvent it as an animated film. Let us know if you're a freelance designer (or not) so we can share the most relevant content for you. These presentations often include a variety of secondary poses (including neutral ones), outfits, facial expressions, and close ups and side profiles of the face. Motion Director is handy for navigating your characters in 3D space, and great for making ambient NPC animations. The newly-added React to Surface lets characters move smoothly on a mesh surface.

Which of your characters for the challenge is your favorite?

Exaggerated, cartoony or oddball characters are not excluded here—if anything, you should make more of an effort to ground them in realistic traits that people will easily recognize. Even if you are not planning to animate the character, you will imply physicality in their pose and should understand how they move and distribute their weight. Creating unique characters from your mind can feel like magic—so much so, that it can be easy to overlook pesky considerations like research. Your imagination, after all, comes from your mind, and your mind is informed by your real world knowledge and experiences. It is often up to the illustrator to interpret the brief, ask the right questions, read between the lines, and distill the client’s explanation into core character traits. Your ideas should not contradict the brief, of course, but keep in mind that you were hired for your expertise.

Character design and concepting goes beyond movies and TV, as this next project reveals. The English virtual band Gorillaz was created by musician Damon Albarn and artist Jamie Hewlett. Hewlett had risen to popularity for his comic Tank Girl, which led to creating album covers and comic strip videos for bands like Pulp. A client will typically provide audience information in the brief, but you’ll want to do research beyond demographics such as age, gender, location, etc.

When you get to the coloring stage, Miniverso Studio offer sound advice, “the ‘for fun’ final stage has arrived! Play your favorite song and look for the most welcoming place; in this phase, the final artwork is the reward for your hard work”. If you are sticking with physical artwork, you can use tracing paper to transfer a clean version of your sketch onto your canvas. From there, you simple render from the colors and materials of your preference. Be sure also to convert the image to black-and-white and adjust the contrast to really help the linework come through. It can also be helpful to trace a clean, digital sketch on top of this one using your brush tool or you may want to jump into inking if your character will include inked, cartoon lines.

Legend of King Arthur Challenge: Character Design Winners Interview

While the steps we’ve laid out here can help give you a starting framework to develop your character designs, it takes time and practice to hone your skill as a character artist. In a lot of ways, you have already successfully designed a character by this point. Design is less about illustrative flair and more about choices, creating the concept, and the bulk of that hard work is behind you. Now is where you start the render process, which is a fine art way of saying going from sketch to finished artwork.

Pantano rasoio Overlook moulin rouge fan art pollame informazione sgradevole - MVP

Pantano rasoio Overlook moulin rouge fan art pollame informazione sgradevole.

Posted: Sat, 30 Mar 2024 13:18:25 GMT [source]

When something in your design just doesn’t feel right, the underlying concept is usually the first place you should look. CC4.1 further advances its universal character creation system with the added ability to subdivide and export any animated character while giving high-resolution output for close-up shots. ArtStation Plus and Pro users can take advantage of this blogging system that comes with a powerful editor.

artstation character design

In this category, each of the winners had competed in a challenge on ArtStation before, but this was the first time placing in the top 3 for all of them. ( If at first you don’t succeed – try again!) In this interview, Pedro Krüger Garcia, Alessandro Pizzi and Tony Sart talk about how they approached the added keyframe element, their concepts for the lineup and more. In a way, character design is more akin to architecture than it is to painting, you must design something that’s visually pleasing and also practical to build. Learn along with Savannah as she traces her path to creating this UE5 fan art project, which was inspired by a concept from Garam Jeong (Malgam).

I want to share my thought process behind creating Wattle since I had a lot of fun with it. Kellie shares an in-depth breakdown for her 3D animated character that’s based on 2D character art by Alexis Pflaum. This post is a great resource for anyone looking to learn more about character creation workflows.

Finally, be sure to turn down the opacity on your sketch so that you can draw over it. Cross The Lime summarizes, “It is even more important that you keep a clear silhouette in mind when designing. Have ears, head shape, position of arms clearly defined, so that you can recognize the character even when it is just the silhouette.” If you have not done so, it’s a good idea to brush up on shape language. This, (in addition to color later on) is a primary visual way to communicate traits and emotions such as stability, danger, or innocence. The tools you use largely come down to your intended style, personal preference and the client’s file type requirements.

Character Design References (CDR) is an online platform that celebrates and showcases exceptional character-focused art within the realms of animation, illustration, games, and comics. It stands as a vibrant hub for the largest community of character designers on the Internet, uniting over 1 million artists, art enthusiasts, and animation fans from across the globe. Remember that you need to log in on Pinterest to see the material collected in the visual library. Click on any subject in this list to be redirected to a specific reference board filled with useful resources. Concept art is a developmental stage of storytelling, where artists visualize what a certain aspect of a story will look like.

Lara’s review offers a look at the production and pre-production work that went into making the adorable Wattle the Sugar Glider character. I wanted to do a sort of self analysis/breakdown of my process and reasoning of my Ystra – Astral Witch character. Not only so I can look back on it to evaluate myself, but also in the hope of assisting others in the creation of their own projects. Taking inspiration once again from Beatrix Potter’s work, I had a go at making another character with the same vibe to it.

Discover the most gifted and influential artists working in animation, comics and illustration, today. Learn how to create memorable characters that tell a story in Even Amundsen's concept art course for character design and worldbuilding. Finally, Félicie Haymoz has become Wes Anderson’s go-to character designer, and created the human characters for the film Isle of Dogs as well as the entire cast of Fantastic Mr. Fox. This involved matching human actors to the creature that worked with their voice and mannerisms. Riot Games is known for going all-out on promotions and side projects for its popular game League of Legends, and one notable example is the virtual band K/DA. The below pre-production designs come from story development artist Jason Chan, who contributed to designing the costuming for the band members.

That, of course, is not to say that you should pay less attention to the render. In order for your character concept to land, it has to be truly presentable. In addition, you may notice details that you need to change the more realistic your design becomes.

The goal is to capture the personality, background, and desires of a character, simply through how they appear and how they move. More importantly, your design will depend on the experiences of your intended audience. At this stage, you should not get bogged down in frivolous details like if “her favorite ice cream is rocky road! Choose to export subdivided characters for high-quality rendering or decimate meshes to optimize for mobile apps and crowd simulation. CC 4.1 gives the most flexibility to upscale and downscale characters using CC bases or auto-rigged from static meshes.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Hurricane Season Cruising: What You Need To Know

hurricane season cruise

On rare occasions, Royal Caribbean will cancel a cruise if a storm is projected to impact an area where the ship is scheduled to embark and/or disembark. We've rounded up some of the most commonly asked questions about hurricane season cruising to help you prepare. It’s equally important that you stay calm and continue to enjoy as much cruise activity as you would like. Be sure to pay attention to the captain’s daily messages about sea conditions, and always heed crew members directions.

Cruising During Hurricane Season: Everything You Need to Know

More Hurricanes and Storms Could Impact Cruises - Cruise Hive

More Hurricanes and Storms Could Impact Cruises.

Posted: Sat, 12 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The increase in activity is due to hurricane-favorite conditions, such as the transition from El Niño to La Nińa and the record-warn sea surface temperatures in the eastern and central Atlantic. Of course, you can also avoid hurricanes by choosing a cruise in a different part of the world, such as Alaska, Canada and New England, or the Mediterranean. Royal Caribbean uses sophisticated technology, from computers and satellites to radars and the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), to track and monitor weather around the world. Each line approaches compensation issues differently, and some are historically more generous than others in offering compensation when storm-related disruptions occur. The responses from lines can also vary depending on the circumstances surrounding any given storm.


Specifically, make sure you understand what, when, and how a hurricane or tropical storm coverage kicks in. We could understand wanting to avoid a cruise during the peak of the season (from around mid-August until mid-October) simply due to the potential impacts on ports. That can cause headaches if your cruise is delayed leaving port or returning home.

Is the Air on a Cruise Ship Safe?

Another hurricane cruise scenario might involve a substitution of one port of call for a skipped one. There are a number of factors at play here, including weather patterns and cruising time to the substitute port that captain and crew will be constantly monitoring. Hurricanes, or similar types of storms that go by different names, can affect cruises in other parts of the world, too. If cruising Australia or other areas of the South Pacific, for instance, be aware its peak cyclone season is from January to March. Parts of Asia are also susceptible to typhoons during monsoon season, lasting from May to October. You might also receive a discount or free onboard credit on a future cruise.

Hurricane Lee disrupts major cruise line itineraries. Here are the major changes so far - Cruise Blog

Hurricane Lee disrupts major cruise line itineraries. Here are the major changes so far.

Posted: Fri, 08 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The stop that went as planned (Nassau) was the day we’d booked activities on the ship. No one books a cruise with the intention of being anywhere near a major storm. Yet, with hurricane season stretching half the year — June 1 through November 30 — it’s hard to book a cruise a time where storms aren’t a risk. When it comes to cruising, one of the biggest fears that some people have is being caught up in a storm.

Unlike resorts and hotels, a cruise ship can adjust its course to avoid a storm headed in its direction. For that reason, it's an excellent choice for a Caribbean vacation during hurricane season. However, while a ship can outrun a storm or change course to avoid one, you may still experience some rough water during your travels, so you may want to pack seasickness remedies. The reality is that a cruise itinerary can change at any time of the year, that’s actually in the fine print when you book a cruise. However, when booking a cruise during hurricane season, it’s especially important to be flexible. Be Flexible And Determined To Enjoy Travel,  Or Don’t GoUnderstand that the cruise line can and will change the itinerary in order to keep out of harm’s way.

Be careful booking shore excursions during hurricane season

Depending on your ship’s proximity to the storm and its severity, the captain may find it necessary to order the pool to close. The Eastern Caribbean tends to see more hurricanes toward the beginning of the peak season, while peak season in the Western Caribbean islands stretches throughout the entire period. Some East Coast cruises might be affected by a hurricane in the Northern Atlantic. Cruising during hurricane season may actually be advantageous with some excellent deals and often fewer crowds.

These conditions make it well worth your time to research and purchase a travel insurance policy not hastily, but certainly with haste. Cruise lines will reroute ships by hundreds of miles to avoid tropical storms and hurricanes. That doesn't mean you can always expect smooth sailing during hurricane season. If you're flying to your cruise departure point, build in plenty of wiggle room in case air travel is affected by a big storm and flights are delayed.

Cruises and Hurricane Season: What You Need to Know

hurricane season cruise

While most ship’s infirmaries supply seasick remedies, I always recommend packing your own. If it’s your first cruise and you’re not sure if you’ll get seasick, I suggest packing a couple of different options. If you’re cruising during storm season, you’re more likely to encounter rough seas so make sure you pack a bit extra. If tendering is the only option for guests to go ashore, this might factor into the decision to skip a stop in the event of bad weather.

However, before booking one, you want to be sure you're OK with the idea that your itinerary could change on short notice or be disrupted in some other way. Some book excursions through alternative tour companies such as Viator or PortSide Tours. If you go this route for a hurricane-season cruise, be sure to check cancellation policies before prepaying for excursions.

Unless it is flat-out canceled by Royal Caribbean, the ship is still going to depart, and they will deliver a cruise vacation to all passengers, regardless of whether or not the itinerary stays the same. According to the National Hurricane Center, an average Atlantic hurricane season will produce 14 named storms, 7 hurricanes, and 3 major hurricanes. Hurricane season is a good time of year to build an extra day or two into your vacation. If you're having trouble getting into your port of embarkation, however, make sure you contact the cruise line (carry the toll-free emergency number). Most will do everything possible, even if they are not obligated, to help you get to the ship, but there's no guarantee. If you've neglected to pre-book insurance, your cruise departs in a week and the weatherman is suddenly reporting on an upcoming storm, don't bother calling up an insurance broker.

Prepare for the possibility -- and it happens -- that you might actually arrive home a day or two late. When you choose to apply (and are approved) for a new credit card through our site, we may receive compensation from our partners, and this may impact how or where these products appear. Please view our advertising policy and product review methodology for more information. The U.S. government's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is expected to release its official forecast for the number of named storms and hurricanes in 2024 in May.

For me, it typically means booking a flight a day or two ahead of the departure date, arranging transportation, and a hotel stay. While each provider handles things differently, the best safety measure is travel insurance. Insurance policies are a great way to ensure reimbursement for unexpected costs or cover any losses that cruise lines do not. Regardless of the season, we continuously monitor weather patterns and reroute ships as necessary when concerns arise. Still, guests may ask our friendly crew, “what do cruise ships do in bad weather conditions when they’re already out at sea? ” We’ve crafted first-class protocols and procedures to assist and safeguard guests while cruising in hurricane season.

If booking with the cruise line, they’ll refund any charges for excursions you don’t take if you don’t make it to that port. However, if booking private excursions, do make sure that they have that in their policy as well. Cruise ships will not be knowingly taken into the path of a hurricane and cruise lines monitor closely to make changes ahead of time, as much as possible. Hurricane season is actually from June through November, although typically we see more hurricane and tropical storm activity from mid-late August, and throughout September and October. Know The Hurricane Lingo, Track The StormsLike so many travel topics, understanding the real vs. potential vs hyped threat of a hurricane disrupting cruise plans needs to be based on accurate information. TV weather reporters are often looking for a sensational story that will keep us tuned in.

Cruising During Hurricane Season: Everything You Need To Know

hurricane season cruise

If the ship needs to reroute, the cruise line will typically provide updates and keep passengers informed of any changes to the itinerary. Cruise lines have established procedures to monitor weather conditions and make necessary itinerary changes to ensure the safety of passengers and crew. If a hurricane is forecasted to impact a port of call, the cruise line may cancel the port stop and replace it with an alternative port. Cruising during hurricane season can significantly impact itineraries, causing port stops, missed ports, and ship rerouting changes. It is essential for passengers to understand the potential itinerary changes that may occur due to hurricanes and to be prepared for such changes.

How to Deal with Delays and Cancellations

The seas can be rough during hurricane season, so preparing for seasickness on a cruise is important. Bring any necessary medication or remedies, such as ginger or motion sickness bands, and consider booking a cabin in the middle of the ship, where the motion is less noticeable. Some cruise lines may also offer compensation for inconveniences caused by weather-related delays or cancellations, such as additional hotel stays or transportation costs.

Where can I cruise to avoid hurricane season?

During this period, the Atlantic Ocean is warm enough to fuel the formation of tropical storms and hurricanes. In the peak of hurricane season, the water in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico can be as warm as 90 degrees. Remember though, many others will be trying to change their plans all at once. Having a travel agent to assist you with these changes could be immensely helpful.

hurricane season cruise

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Islands in the Southern Caribbean are statistically less affected by hurricanes. These islands, nicknamed the ABC Islands (Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao), generally lie outside of the path for most hurricanes. Travel insurance policies also won't help if you cancel a cruise to avoid a storm — unless you've bought a pricey "cancel for any reason" policy.

The 1-item upgrade you need for a better cruise ship cabin experience (it’s already in your house)

Cruises are always a great introduction to visiting multiple countries on a budget and help travelers ditch the cooler weather for tropical climates for their fall and winter vacations. The very best offers are typically for sailing during the peak three months of hurricane season, August through October. However, you may have some difficulty finding deals during the beginning or end of the season. For the biggest savings, wait until June and look for last-minute special offers from the cruise lines. Conversely, a cruise line may decide to prolong a return to port if the journey puts passengers in danger of a hurricane or tropical storm. This means you may dock at a different port or stay at sea for additional time to ride out the weather.

Unofficial blog about Royal Caribbean cruises - Royal Caribbean Blog

Unofficial blog about Royal Caribbean cruises.

Posted: Thu, 04 Apr 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

This is the key "iffy zone," as I like to call it, for cruises to the Caribbean and the Bahamas, as well as sailings out of eastern U.S. ports to Bermuda and New England. That means the chances of being caught by surprise by storm are relatively low. These days, there is advance notice and ships are usually able to steer a route well clear of the weather. After all, the last thing a cruise line wants is the bad notoriety that comes with sailing through hurricane winds.

hurricane season cruise

While Disney World is super prepared for these kinds of events, there’s another type vacation you might be worried about — Disney cruises or cruising in general. It’s still hurricane season on the East Coast of the U.S., and those storms can definitely affect your Disney vacation. And, of course, if your sailing does end up canceled, you can expect the cruise line to offer you a future cruise certificate, as well as a full refund. If you opt to sail during hurricane season, especially the later half of it, you'll find some amazing prices. This is great if you want to stretch your vacation budget as far as possible! Plus, you can allocate that money toward other add-ons, such as excursions, drink packages, or specialty dining.

Those on a sailing that ends up being shortened or extended will often be assisted by the cruise line to help them reschedule their post-cruise travel plans. This might come in the form of free internet or phone calls to make it easier to contact airlines and hotels. Many ships stop for port days in The Bahamas, which is home to a number of cruise lines' private islands, for short 3-4 day cruises. Specifically, you might avoid September 10 for Caribbean travel because there has been a named storm in the Caribbean on that day every year for the past few decades.

In such situations, the vessels sometimes will depart on their next cruise from the alternative port. Cruises are canceled occasionally when a home port experiences extended disruptions related to storms, but this is relatively rare. Still, even during peak hurricane season weeks (more on that below), most sailings in the Caribbean and the Bahamas are completed without a hitch. Here's what you need to know before committing to cruising during hurricane season in these regions. We booked port activities and packed our snorkel gear with our sights on lazy beach days and using our GoPro to capture underwater shenanigans. One stop was almost as planned but ended early because of a torrential downpour.

Cruising during hurricane season can be risky, and travelers are often concerned about what will happen if their cruise is cancelled or delayed due to weather conditions. Fortunately, many cruise lines offer insurance and compensation options to protect travelers from unexpected events. When cruising during hurricane season, safety is always the top priority. Fortunately, cruise ships are equipped with advanced technology and highly trained crews to ensure the safety of all onboard. If you plan to cruise during hurricane season, keeping an eye on the weather forecasts before and during your trip is essential. Cruise lines have established procedures to deal with adverse weather conditions, and they will typically monitor the weather closely to ensure the safety of their passengers and crew.

In the Eastern Caribbean, rough weather conditions usually heighten in August and last through October. Hurricane season in the Western Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico typically occurs from September to late November. While these seasons span over several months, it’s important to remember that a potential increase in weather activity isn’t the same as a sure thing.

When asked if the seas are rougher during hurricane season, Van Fleet said there’s no need to worry. More often, departure is delayed by a day or so, and passengers are generally compensated accordingly. If the weather prevents you from getting to your cruise, there are multiple strategies that can help you resolve the issue. Build a day or two into your vacation and aim to arrive in port a couple of days early in case difficulties arise.

Monday, April 1, 2024

BEST Cruise Deals 2024 + 2025: Cheap & Discount Cruises

best and cheapest cruise lines

When booking with MSC, you’ll find that there are three main types of experiences to choose from. ‘Bella’ is the least expensive and comes with guaranteed cabins, making it perfect for those on a tight budget. If you’re willing to spend a bit more, the ‘Fantastica’ tier offers free in-room breakfast and the ability to select your type of room.

Top 8 Cheapest Cruise Lines for Your Next Vacation – FAQ

It also includes one complimentary shore excursion per port; the rest are available for purchase. As you might expect, all-inclusive cruises are typically found on luxury or upscale cruise lines and are priced higher because they include so much. Even if savings aren't necessarily there for every sailing, agencies often offer deals with value-added perks like onboard credit or prepaid gratuities, which can amount to nearly $100 per person on a weeklong sailing. Plus, you'll have a limited selection of cabin locations and dinner seatings.

Windstar Cruises

All of the ships in this cruise line’s fleet offer family-friendly experiences for guests of all ages. Even little ones will find plenty of ways to play with spaces and activities designed for tots to tweens. One of the top reasons savvy travelers love cruising, though, is because of the incredible value it offers. With Royal Caribbean, your cruise fare includes access to most of the ship’s attractions, select dining venues and all of the entertainment onboard.

I tried the cheapest Caribbean cruise I could find - here's what it was really like - Cruise Blog

I tried the cheapest Caribbean cruise I could find - here's what it was really like.

Posted: Wed, 16 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

top cruise destinations

With a wide range of amenities and activities onboard, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. From thrilling water slides to Broadway-style shows, the cruise line ensures there’s never a dull moment during your cruise. These are some of the most popular itineraries because of their accessibility, affordability and wide variety of activities.

Shoulder-season Alaska cruises

best and cheapest cruise lines

CheapCaribbean.com sometimes offers extra bonuses, like extra onboard spending credit. Plus it offers a 110% best price guarantee — if you find the exact same cruise for a cheaper price (available to the general public) on another website, CheapCaribbean.com will refund 110% of the price difference. If you have an American Airlines credit card, you'll earn 2x miles, up to 20,000 miles.

Make the Most of Your Loyalty Points for Deals on Cruises

By combining our extensive price data with upgrade details, onboard credits, itineraries, and more, you're able to quickly and clearly see just how much money you're going to save on your next cruise. Maybe you'll find your second cruise line of choice -- deals on luxury lines like Azamara and Regent Seven Seas are just a few of the bargains you might find. To combat that, NCL has been running some version of its Free at Sea promotion for years, which offers complimentary amenities to make your cruise fare a little or a lot more inclusive. Depending on the current offer, you might be eligible for all the amenities or you might get a choice of some number of them depending on the type of cabin you book.

MSC is a European cruise line that has been making major inroads in the American market with its aggressive pricing and growing fleet of ships. Some may be surprised to know that Carnival won by a mere $1 over Royal Caribbean, whose cheapest cruise is a $100, three night cruise to Ensenada, Mexico, onboard Navigator of the Seas. For comparison purposes, the cheapest Caribbean cruise listed on the Royal Caribbean website is a 4 night Bahamas cruise on the Freedom of the Seas at $129. Looking for the overall lowest cruise fares yielded some amazingly cheap prices that hotels can’t even compete with. For this reason, you should stick with one of the best cruise booking sites on this list because they've been vetted for legitimacy and have a good track record with travelers. Before you book, though, have a look at these credit cards that come with cruise benefits to sweeten the pot even more.

Booking a cruise recapped

best and cheapest cruise lines

Margaritaville at Sea is popular for being one of the cheapest cruise lines around. The Margaritaville at Sea Paradise offers 3-day, 2-night Bahama cruises, which are perfect if you want an affordable, quick, yet entertaining getaway. Norwegian also offers a paid upgrade to the Free at Sea perks called Free at Sea Plus. For a more all-inclusive experience, guests can purchase the Princess Premier Package at $80 per person per day. Princess Cruises offers its guests two ways to make their cruise experience more inclusive. Azamara does offer several extra-fee packages to make its inclusive fares even more inclusive.

For those looking for a more luxurious experience, the ‘Aurea’ level provides access to exclusive amenities, specialty dining options, and additional discounts, albeit at a higher cost. A relatively new addition to the all-inclusive cruise fare world is the all-inclusive add-on package. Select cruise lines allow guests to opt into higher-priced fares that include more perks or purchase fare add-ons that grant them extra inclusions.

Tropical cruises on luxury lines tend to be shorter sailings, taking place in the fall and winter (rather than year-round) and often targeting younger professionals who might not have the time to take two-week vacations. Cruise Hive was established back in 2008 and among the earliest blogs in the industry. Since the start, it's been our aim to provide the latest cruise news covering all the major cruise lines. We make sure cruisers are fully prepared for their cruise vacation with tips on ships and ports.Millions of travelers rely on Cruise Hive in the United States, Europe, Australia, and around the world.

Its ships cater to travelers looking for an entertaining, exciting getaway — with an emphasis on pools, waterslides, mini-golf and karaoke, plus comedy shows, casino games and nightclubs for adults. There are plenty of ways to get more bang for your buck when you sail on a Royal Caribbean cruise. Every ship in the fleet offers a range of delicious complimentary dining options, but you can dig into even more crave-worthy flavor by purchasing a Specialty Dining Package for less ahead of your cruise.

Of course, everything is more expensive these days, leaving some travelers to wonder if there are still affordable cruises available to meet their vacation budgets. Thankfully, that answer is yes, and there are several brands that still provide exceptional value aboard their floating cities. Many are among the best cruise lines, and some are even frequent cruisers’ favorite cruises. In fact, you might be surprised to learn that living on a cruise ship can be cheaper than a mortgage, in case you decide you never want to return from your vacation.

A good price for a cruise can vary widely based on the destination, the cruise line, and the time of year. However, as a general guideline, a cheap cruise price per person per day is anywhere under $150. For a 7-night cruise, a good total price per person is anything under $1400. Despite not being the cheapest, Royal Caribbean offers great value for families.

You will pay extra for spa treatments, cigars and other purchases like the most exclusive wines and spirits. Fine dining on Seabourn ships includes an array of complimentary gourmet restaurants, including a dedicated sushi spot and an alfresco restaurant focusing on international cuisine with a twist. The line is soon to replace The Grill by Thomas Keller with Solis, a Mediterranean restaurant focused on fresh and healthy cuisine, all made from scratch on board.

BEST Discounted Carnival Cruise Line Cruise Deals

best and cheapest cruise lines

If the cruise fare changes after you've booked but before you've made your final payment, it's possible to take advantage of the lower rate. Enlist the help of a travel agent who can monitor pricing after you've booked, and who can request a re-fare to the lower rate. The higher the room category you’re booking, the more bonuses you’ll be able to get. Keep in mind that lots of the bonuses you may see advertised won’t kick in unless you book a balcony stateroom or a suite. Cashback and onboard spending bonuses are generally tied to your stateroom level as well which means you’re not going to get anywhere near the amount advertised if you’re booking an interior or ocean-view cabin. When you’re searching for a cruise, just click on the drop-down arrow that tells you how many deals there are — then you’ll be able to see that cruise’s price on many sites.

best and cheapest cruise lines

Use United MileagePlus Miles To Pay for Your Cruise

The big drawback when booking directly on a cruise line’s website is that you can miss out on extra deals that online travel agencies (OTAs) may offer. There’s no shortage of websites out there that can help you book a cruise. In addition to the traditional online travel agencies, there are a bunch of cruise-only sites that you can choose from, too. We may be compensated when you click on product links, such as credit cards, from one or more of our advertising partners. See our Advertising Policy for more about our partners, how we make money, and our rating methodology.

Margaritaville at Sea

Passengers in AquaClass accommodations receive exclusive access to the Blu restaurant, a complimentary thermal suite pass, free fitness classes and discounted spa packages. American Airlines Cruises also offers a 110% best price guarantee — if you find the exact same cruise priced lower within 48 hours of booking, you’ll be refunded 110% of the price difference. Orbitz is a typical OTA that offers flights, hotels, car rentals, vacation packages, and cruises. However, the price guarantee isn’t as strong as some of the other sites — you’ll need to find a lower price within 24 hours to receive the difference in price as a refund.

How does a cruise vacation work

Some cruise specials offer up to 100,000 miles based on your selected cruise. Stick to the free dining options available on the cruise instead of dining at specialty restaurants, which often charge additional fees. Take advantage of the free entertainment and activities provided, rather than spending extra on paid experiences or excursions. Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) is famous for its all-inclusive “Free at Sea” promotions.

These stunning ships are as sleek and sexy as any private yachts custom-built for a billionaire. Think of each as a bliss factory, churning out one mind-blowing complimentary experience after the next. Plus, as ice-class expedition vessels, Scenic's yachts deliver adrenaline-charged activities that adventurous cruisers adore. Spa and salon treatments, hands-on cooking classes in a state-of-the-art culinary workshop, small group or special-interest shore excursions, the fanciest wines and liquors, cigars and sundries. The multimillion-dollar art collection (think Picasso and Chagall) onboard the newest ships Seven Seas Explorer, Seven Seas Splendor and Seven Seas Grandeur astonishes; you will sail amid multiple museum-quality pieces. The biggest caveat though, is that not all guarantee cabin fares are eligible for those booking perks we told you to bundle, so ensure the value tradeoff is worth it before you commit.

Princess sails across the world and offers plenty of discounts throughout the year. Costa Cruises, an Italian-based line, primarily offers cruises around the Mediterranean, though you might also find some headed to the Caribbean. What makes Costa stand out is its low prices all year round, making it a budget-friendly option for many travelers. While you might not find as many onboard amenities and activities compared to other lines, there’s still a good variety to keep most guests entertained. Virgin Voyages cruise line is a great option for travelers who want to enjoy a cruise vacation tailored exclusively for adults.

Learn About Credit Cards

This luxurious Italian-inspired line offers two types of all-inclusive travel, "Port-to-Port" and "Door-to-Door." The included wines and spirits are particularly noteworthy, especially the more than 100 whiskeys. Belly up to one of nine bars and sip your way through the impressive collection. For instance, book seven or more double-occupancy cabins on Norwegian Cruise Line, and for every 10 passengers booked, one passenger can cruise for free. But if you'd prefer to go your own way on finding a deal, do some research on typical rates for the cruise you have in mind, and check back frequently (we mean daily, at least) to see if the fare has dropped.

Cruise Deals

Add a Specialty Beverage Package — which includes unlimited alcoholic beverages, soda, and more — and your experience is as close to all-inclusive as it gets. And with so many complimentary shows and attractions onboard, you can easily fill every sea day without spending a single dollar extra. Beyond wave season, planning far in advance or nabbing last-minute cruise deals, it’s also wise to consider booking your cruises for the off-season. For instance, for the Caribbean and Mexico, that would mean summer sailings or during shoulder season (the month before and after high season—for example, in the case of Alaska, this would be in May or September). Just know that you are taking a bit of a risk with the weather during these off-peak times.

Booking a cruise recapped

When comparing these cruises on a per day price, many of them are far cheaper than a 3 day cruise. Plus, Marriott cardholders can earn an extra 2x points when they use that card for their purchase. While most cruises max out at 25,000 Bonvoy points earned, some luxury cruise lines offer up to 250,000 Marriott points. American Airlines AAdvantage members can earn airline miles when booking cruises at BookAACruises.com. All members earn one mile for every dollar they spend on cruise reservations, up to 10,000 miles.

Cruisers enjoy lots of world-class amenities like restaurants, shows and water activities on board, and they also have the option to disembark and sightsee or participate in excursions when the ship docks. Royal Caribbean offers itineraries to 240 destinations in 61 countries on six continents, including Royal Caribbean’s private island destination in The Bahamas, Perfect Day at CocoCay. The innovative brand is known for many firsts at sea, including an ice-skating rink, bumper cars, zip-line, rock climbing wall, robotic bartenders and the Flowrider surf simulator.

THE 25 BEST Cruises from Miami to the Eastern Caribbean (with Prices) on Cruise Critic - Cruise Critic

THE 25 BEST Cruises from Miami to the Eastern Caribbean (with Prices) on Cruise Critic.

Posted: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 04:49:11 GMT [source]

Additionally, booking either well in advance or last minute can also snag you some good discounts. Early bookings might get you lower prices and better cabin choices, while last-minute deals are great for those flexible with their plans and not too picky about cabin locations. Make sure to join MSC’s loyalty program, known as the Voyager’s Club, to access great deals and perks. Additionally, MSC often has promotions where kids aged 17 and under can sail for free as the third or fourth person in most cabins (except for Yacht Club rooms).

Joining the Carnival VIFP (Very Important Fun Person) Club is another effective strategy for accessing special promotions. Don’t forget to regularly check the “Deals” section on Carnival’s official website, where promotions like reduced deposits, discounts of up to 30% on select itineraries, or complimentary beverage packages might pop up. The best cruise lines offer travelers the opportunity to experience some of the world’s finest vacation destinations while enjoying a wide variety of amenities for every member of the family. From pools, waterslides and mini golf for kids to spas, shows and nightclubs for adults, there is something for everyone on a cruise ship. Sail to the destination of your dreams from the departure port that works best for you.

And for giving up that privilege, many lines discount guaranteed cabin bookings about $50 to $100 per person off the advertised fares. Take it a step further by customizing a list of deal tweeters using Twitter's list function, in essence creating your own deals aggregator. For more variety, assuming you don’t mind wading through a few tweets, you can always just search for the hashtag #cruisedeals. Just about every agent and agency -- including Cruise.com (@cruisecom and Best Travel Deals (@cruisedealsbtd -- is tweeting its best cruise deals.

This means that when you book your cruise, you can choose extras like free drinks, Wi-Fi, or even excursions without paying more than your base fare. It’s a great way to make your cruise more enjoyable without any additional costs. For those looking to save even more, joining Costa Cruise’s C|Club can be a great move. Membership in this club opens up access to exclusive rewards and privileges that can enhance your cruising experience, offering even more value for your trip. Families, in particular, will find Costa Cruises appealing due to the numerous deals available, including discounts for children.

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